hirntrust grind media - infect the underground

You can order all products directly from Hirntrust Grind Media.
Send me an e-mail with your order + shipping address and i will get
back to you with total price inclusive postage and payment details.

PRICES: 7" EUR 5.00, Zine/Comic EUR 5.00, T-Shirt EUR 12.00


You can also buy Vinyl from my DISCOGS 

Distros and Shops please ask for wholesale rates --> GET IN TOUCH!

Payments via:

  • PayPal (my paypal id: cobrakilla@gmx.net)
  • Moneytransfer to my bank account (EU only, ask for details)

The following distributors, mailorders and shops should have
some selected Hirntrust and Hirnplatzt products available.

If you are a distributor/mailorder/other and carry some hirntrust products
but are not listed here, please inform right away.
If you are a distributor/mailorder/other and would like to carry some
hirntrust products, get in touch.

Get it here: